Gaze up at the night sky and take it all in: this is our home. We are children of the cosmos, the new kids on the block just beginning to figure it all out.
Scientists estimate that there are a trillion times a trillion planets in the universe. Our pale blue dot, flying through space at enormous speeds, is hardly alone.
If even a tiny percentage of these spheres are Earth-like, then this accounts for many billions of planets with the potential for intelligent life. Think about the implications. It’s safer to presume that the universe is teeming with life rather than the other way around.
First contact with alien life would be the biggest news story of the millennium. In the blink of an eye, everything would change. Science, technology, politics, religion — everything!
But, the truth is that not only are we not alone in the vastness of space, we’re not even alone in our own backyard anymore. Extraterrestrials exist and are even interfering in our affairs. You live at the most important threshold in human history! So why is no one talking about it, and what does it mean?
The Reality of Alien “Visitation”
The alien conspiracy is the most suppressed truth of our time, precisely because it does change everything.
While there may not be a smoking gun, like a UFO landing on the White House lawn, it’s still possible to discern the reality of our situation. It’s just a question of putting the strongest evidence together and making a reasonable conclusion.
The UFO crash landing in Roswell, with its clumsy government cover-up and obvious lies, is a worthwhile place to start. <
Other strong cases are the Phoenix Lights, the Zimbabwe incident involving dozens of children, the Belgian UFO triangle scare, the Chicago O’Hare incident, the Mexican military’s intriguing videos, the Japan Airlines flight fiasco, and the Battle of Los Angeles.
We recommend thoroughly reviewing these and other cases with an open mind. You can find many of them here. Focus on the incidents involving many credible witnesses, radar signatures, and government backtracking/cover-ups.
Next, consider that thousands of people across the world, over many decades, report being abducted by aliens.
Imagine the horror of being forced to walk to a quiet place in town, seemingly not having a choice in the matter, and waiting to be abducted. Your body shivers in fear, a deeper part of you knows what’s about to happen, but you can’t move. You then wake up in a different place, hours of your memories are wiped, and your clothes are on backwards. And there are bruises in weird places.
This is no joke. There are literally thousands of people around the world who go through this on a regular basis. Some research even points to this happening to up to 10% of the population.
These victims relay strikingly similar experiences, even ones who were abducted long before the popularization of aliens in culture. Many of them are stable, regular folk who share this at the risk of their personal and professional reputations. They gain nothing from doing so.
In addition, credible whistle-blowers have risked their careers to blow the lid off this conspiracy. These brave insiders are found within every branch of the military, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, technology/aerospace companies, and even astronauts. All these people from varied and reputable backgrounds have taken the risk to reveal what they’ve witnessed (even at a 2001 National Press Club event) because they feel the truth needs to come out.
Lastly, there are many convincing videos available online, some of them created long before video editing tools were widely available. While we recommend caution given the many fakes out there, the best ones are still worth considering.
When you put it all together and examine the evidence with an open mind, it overwhelmingly points to the existence of aliens here on Earth and a conspiracy to keep this truth from the mainstream. This is the most reasonable conclusion to come to.
The Hidden Alien Agenda
Discerning the aliens’ agenda is challenging, but it has been done. We now hold insider information on what’s going on.
There are a number of competing alien groups operating on Earth at this time. They each have their own aims, but they broadly use similar methods. We now have a full understanding of who they are, why they’re here, and what can be done to protect humanity’s freedom and sovereignty.
Kindly set any pre-existing ideas aside and open your heart and mind to this perspective. Give it your fair evaluation and we’re confident that you’ll agree with us, however challenging this may be.
Consider that the universe is simply nature on a larger scale. Every living organism, from the smallest microbe to the largest empire, requires resources to survive.

Cortes and the Spanish domination of the Aztecs is a classic example of resource explorers dividing and conquering native peoples.
Earth is a rare gem filled with valuable resources that are hard to find in a universe of mostly barren worlds. We’re sitting on a goldmine of a planet that’s highly coveted by others for its biological resources. This is primarily why aliens are interested in coming here.
While we may want to believe that the cosmos is filled with well-intentioned species that wish to help us, life in the universe and nature simply do not work that way. The strong take advantage of the weak, when they can.
It’s not that different than life here on Earth. Countries have interests, not friends. The same is true for aliens: they spend the time, energy and resources to come here to advance their own interests. It’s not about helping us.
Faster-than-light travel technology exists and has been known in this region of space for eons. We are comparatively behind in our technological development because humanity is a young race, and this is why we’re the ones being “discovered” — rather than the other way around.
Think back to what happened in our own history when aggressive, technologically advanced groups discovered more primitive people. It rarely ends well for the ones being discovered, especially when they’re sitting on valuable resources. Such is our challenge.
Alien Modus Operandi
According to insiders, the extraterrestrial groups that are surveying our world and seeking to control it are economic rather than military forces. They do not have a large armada of spaceships. Instead, they use cunning, manipulation, and guile to get what they want.
Our best source of information on the matter explains that these manipulative alien forces seek to keep humanity divided and fighting amongst itself. Extraterrestrials fear human cooperation as they are comparatively small in numbers. They cannot compete against an entire planet of beings. That’s why they operate in the shadows.

Were integrated circuit and semi-conductor technology gifts of alien technology?
Aliens have contacted leaders in the political, corporate, and religious spheres to cut side deals and advance their aims. Sadly, some influential humans have sold their species out for money and power.
There’s also the intention to addict us to foreign technologies that we cannot replicate. They will position them as a solution to all our problems, but in reality they simply want us to depend on them for all the things we need so they can gain control over us. Imagine if all our energy and food resources came from their technology — we’d lose our sovereignty and be enslaved to them without a single shot being fired.
The most sinister aspect of their plan is perhaps the alien abduction program, now ongoing for decades. It’s all about creating an alien-human hybrid race. This is needed because aliens cannot survive in our atmosphere, nor can they withstands the many bacteria and viruses present here. Some abduction victims perish in captivity, sometimes murdered for fighting back. Those who are returned are usually never the same; they can no longer think for themselves, are often forced to be proponents for the aliens, and are repeatedly abducted.
According to the most recent reports, the hybrid program has been successful. They look just like us, though hybrids have difficulty fitting into human culture and may seem “off.” Hybrids are highly intelligent, have powerful minds, and are potent telepathic manipulators. They serve their alien masters and care not for the human race. They walk among us, influencing our leaders.
The Fight for Human Sovereignty
It is inevitable that we would eventually run into alien species in this region of space because it’s highly populated. While our situation is precarious, it’s actually a natural part of every species’ evolution — the attempted dominance by another race wanting access to resources. What we’re going through on our planet, the irresponsible overuse of resources and destruction of our environment, has happened countless times before. Those who have lost their resources are now here for ours.
This is the next great, big step for humanity. The alien conspiracy is dire news for a struggling humanity, but there is much hope. The game is afoot and it’s possible to turn the tables on them and force them to leave. However, it all depends on how we proceed in the years and decades to follow.
Sink or swim, we’re all in this together. If humanity can learn to sufficiently cooperate, end our ceaseless conflicts, use much more discretion and protect our borders to space, we’ll easily be able to cast off the noxious alien influence overshadowing our development.
According to our best source of information, there are many government insiders, particularly in the United States and Russia, that are aware of the alien deception and are actively taking steps against it.
Our Insider Source
The shocking inside information that informs this article comes from the Allies of Humanity Briefings, now made freely available to the world at no cost. They were given by neighboring aliens from free worlds and received via psychic means.
The Allies oppose the unethical contact that we’re being subjected to and want to see a free and sovereign Earth in their midst.
These books provides us with all the critical information we need to know about how the universe really works, how alien worlds interact and compete with each other, and how a young emerging race like humanity can maintain its freedom and sovereignty in a competitive universe.
Consider how humanity would behave if we were the technologically superior race discovering a lesser species that’s sitting on valuable resources we need. We probably wouldn’t be noble and fair in our dealings, would we?
Therefore, we highly recommend our readers thoroughly review the free Allies of Humanity Briefings.
Set your pre-existing ideas aside and consider a new perspective. We find their analysis rational, objective, and intellectually rigorous. We trust you will as well.
The next few decades will determine whether humanity is a free and self-determined race, an advancing species in the universe, or one subjected to harsh foreign rule where those who oppose it are destroyed. This is the biggest conspiracy there is — and we need to unite against it. The questions are: where does it start, and how do we do that?
The Off World Controllers of the Controllers
The Alien conspiracy is the conspiracy that drives all other conspiracies. It is the conspiracy at the top of the pyramid of control. Aliens are the source of the discord that drives all other conspiracies in the world today.

Conspiracies have always existed on Earth. Is there one conspiracy influencing all the others?
Yes, there are evil people in the world doing bad things to people everywhere, and there always have been. However, the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, the Free Masons, or any other human conspiracy do not control the world, and they are child’s play compared to the multi-generational plan of enslavement and subjugation that the alien conspiracy poses.
In fact, these off-world controllers are controlling the human conspiracy groups (we call them “elites” or “blue-bloods”) by promising them continued control, wealth and power on Earth over their fellow humans. If these conspiracy groups were uncovered and destroyed, the alien conspiracy simply would find another set of willing human accomplices to achieve their goals.
The alien conspiracy uses a “divide and conquer” strategy that has been effective on this planet for millennia, and has been used in the galaxy for millions of years. Their aim is to use their considerable powers of persuasion and seduction in order for humanity to lose faith in our governments, leaders, and institutions, ultimately causing us to lose faith in humanity itself so that aliens can present themselves as our saviors:
With an extraterrestrial presence in the world who are technologically and psychologically well beyond us in capability… one of the activities of this Intervention is to influence the environment of thought in the world.
[They] transmit into the world messages from purportedly positive alien sources that promote extraterrestrial intervention, spiritual, religious, political, technological intervention, so basically promoting the belief that humanity is incapable of fixing our planetary problems. We are incapable of governing ourselves. We do not have the technology to meet the needs of the world. And there are evil humans or groups or secret associations that are controlling everything, and therefore, all in the end we need an extraterrestrial power to come to the world to bring us what we cannot provide for ourselves.
And there are many of these messages, and they’re all nuanced. And some of them have truth wedded with falsity. But in the end, the power…where does the power go? It goes away from human beings and towards an extraterrestrial being or leadership. – Reed Summers on GrimericaFM Online Radio, October, 2019
There are many human channelers, apologists, and representatives for this alien conspiracy who all promise that aliens are here to help us achieve peace, prosperity, free energy, spiritual enlightenment, and even a new golden age! They use positive and hopeful words to describe these alien overlords and their supposed assistance for humanity as “universal love,” “galactic unity,” “ascension,” and “space brothers and sisters.” This propaganda is all over social media, if you just look.
Remember that no matter how bad the situation on Earth looks to us, the aliens, who cast their influence with empty promises, are here to manipulate and eventually control humanity as we go through huge, difficult transformations in our social, political, religious and economic institutions. The alien conspiracy doesn’t want to destroy us, it just wants to use us the way we use cows, sheep and chickens:
Certain people are obsessed with conspiracy theories, but their focus is misguided. The malevolent behavior of human governments or human commercial institutions is nothing compared to what the [alien] Intervention can do here. And if its agenda succeeds, which remains yet uncertain, there will be no winners amongst the human family. There will be no vaulted societies. There will be no humans in positions of power and authority. Everyone will be used, and everyone will share the same fate. For the Intervention is intelligent. It does not seek to destroy humanity but to employ it for its own purposes. – New Message on Life in the Universe
The alien conspiracy is at the top of the pyramid, vying for control of Earth and humanity. This is the End Game conspiracy. If we focus on uniting against the alien conspiracy, then all the false conspiracies will come crumbling down, the truth will be exposed and humanity will be free to join with other free worlds in the vast cosmos.
Learn how you can protect yourself from the alien conspiracy and serve humanity:
- Become strong with Inner Knowledge – your inner guidance system that cannot be influenced by anyone or anything.
- Become aware of the manipulations, persuasions and inducements from extraterrestrial aliens.
- Join with others who are studying the Allies briefings and Steps to Knowledge, and are advocating for human unity, discretion and self-reliance.
I’ll need your phone # to text you the latest info regarding the ‘Military in control and the great awakening.
I’ve been a student of The Greater Community Way of Knowledge for many years and I asked Knowledge to give me clarity for the truth to be shown me. And I’ve been receiving info regarding the harvesting of our children who have been kidnapped. There using their adrenaline for ‘youth serum’. I need help to get this info out please. *
Thanks, Eric. Please check your email.
What a load of utter bollocks
Thank you for your thoughtful and intelligent comment. It is readers like you that keep us going!
Thanks for info Eric. The one thing we are not is a blue marble flying thru space at 160,000 mph. Also not rotating at 1,000 mph. If so air traffic would go up in a Ballon and drop back down when destination reached.
Monty – Please see our article on the Flat Earth conspiracy.
And as today, what you wrote is accurate. Alien agenda, graphene vaccines, depopulation agenda and so on.
Thanks, Henry